Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Winding down

Time goes seemingly faster when you have an 'end date'. This week is my last week of teaching. Crazy. I often stop myself and look around to see what will soon be memories. Lately, I have been very busy making the "most of it". And for this reason I have not been a consistent blogger. I figure I would rather tell you in person about my recent adventures. There's no fun in repeating oneself, so just know that I'm having a time of my life.
Next week, I'll be in Santiago (the capital, for those of you who didn't know) for the final ceremony. Then it's about 10 days of travel. I have an open itinerary for adventure so who knows where I'll be. Then it's back to Angol for my Chilean brother's graduation and a final farewell fiesta.

Hope all is well with you!