Friday, March 5, 2010

Movie - Chile: Los Gringos

In Chile, the non-derogatory term "gringos" is used to describe foreigners, most caucasians from the US, Australia, Europe and other countries w/ caucasians. Here is a video featuring our group of volunteer English teachers in this year's Inglés Abre Puertas (English Opens Doors) program.

For the video click aquí.

Que te vaya bien!

1 comment:

  1. sweet video bra. unlucky that the dbags stole your video camera. i sent my old video camera (the small one that you used before) to mom so that she can send it to you. i don't think the quality is as good, but its better than nothing. i hope you had a safe trip tonight. let us know when you make it to your new home town!
