Monday, December 20, 2010

Call It a Comeback

After a 8-hour bus ride from Angol to Santiago. After dragging my things through Santiago via metro and taxi. After a 10-hour flight from Santiago to Atlanta. After a 1hr and 7min flight to DC. After a 2-hour car ride from DC to Cumberland. I am finally home!

Many mixed feelings. Happy to be home. Sad to have left.

Most of the family came to see me off at the bus station. Tears fell as the farewells flew as I said "chao" to my Chilean family. My little sister and little cousins soaking my mama's outfit with their tears. My brother, Niko, avoiding my hug so that he could be the last one to say bye. Promises of my return someday was a calming assurance.
I will miss them dearly. I'm so fortunate to have fallen into such a loving family. My papas always told me how much I'm part of the family. How they love me as they love their own children, nieces, and nephews. Same with my tios (aunts and uncles) there. And my abuelos (grandparents). They all took me in and treated me as their own. I became a godfather to my little cousin for goodness sake! A big part of me did not want to leave. It was difficult.

Adjusting back to English wasn't very difficult. I had friends in Angol, other volunteer teachers, who I often hung out with. But on the airplane, I kept speaking to the flight attendant in Spanish. (She probably couldn't tell that I was from the US because I do look Chilean) In the airport, I walked into a store and seeing all the books and signs in English was quite alien. In the bathroom, I found myself looking for a toilet side trashcan to throw the toilet paper.

It was incredible to give my mom a great big hug when I arrived to DC. Such a good feeling. Walking out into a cold, brisk winter brought that 'christmas-y' feeling. It was nearly summer in Chile. Just last week I was basking in 80 degree weather, sweating underneath my hat. We drove and talked. I took a nap in the car. Not much sleep the past two nights of travel.
We stopped at a mall for some good ole Chinese food and to do a little Christmas shopping. In the shoe store, families speaking Spanish drew my attention and made me happy. I badly wanted to talk to them. But I didn't.

So now I'm home. sweet. home.

Looking back and looking forward.

Glad to be back.
Best wishes to you and your families this holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. Aww. Sounds great Ryan. Glad you had that experience and that you definitely keep in touch with your Chilean family. I hope someday I get to meet them.

    Wish we could be there to welcome you home. It won't be the same without you guys this Christmas :(
