Friday, February 5, 2010

No posts for the next 3 weeks?!

Hola, todos.
*This program gives volunteers a 3-week period of no obligations so that means i get to travel!

Tonight, I am embarking on a journey further south. 6 amigos y yo van a torres del paine parque nacional in the southern tip of chile. We are doing the "W" hike; about a five-day trek.
Después, i am meeting my family in Santiago! We'll be traveling to the coast and the surrounding central valley and then flying east to Buenos Aires, Argentina for a bit. I'll be in the BA for about cinco dias.
Then, the last few days i'll probably spend wandering around. maybe go to Valparaíso or something.

I won't be able to post anything for the next few weeks, but i'll have plenty of stories to tell afterwards.

Talk to you soon!



  1. So I just read on CNN news that the Chaiten volcano has been placed red alert due to an increase in seismic activity for the past 3 weeks...and apparently the volcano is located in the southern part of Chile...I hope you are in Buenos Aires by now! If not, get your people out there and stay safe bud!

  2. omg i just read about the earthquake in chile so i came on to check. please please please tell me youre okay!

  3. Heard about the earthquake and I hope you are safe.
