Sunday, January 31, 2010

Beach at the Piche

Pichelemu is a beach city about 200km southwest of Santiago. our volunteer group of 20 gringos strong arrived friday evening in time to catch the sun go down. the weather: a bit windy and chile. had to wear all three t-shirts that i brought to feel comfy.
That evening after oncé (which consisted of bread, palta(avoacado), and café) we went to the beach for to hang out, drink some chelas(cervezas), hang w/ quiltros (stray dogs) and sing songs. i was the jukebox for the evening.
quick short story. my friend lee and i were relieving ourselves in the pacific. the tide came up muy rápido and crashed into lee up to his knees whilst he was making pipí. haha. entonces, he found it appropriate to run like an antelope and found himself waste deep in sea foam. he wanted to go all in, pero i dissuaded him of this bad idea. he waddled home in his soaked pantalones. fin.

saturday morning i took surf lessons. most definitely a dream of mine to go surfing. the wind was strong. after warming up, stretching, and being briefed on surfing etiquette, it was time to hit the icy cold waves. (this water was fahreeeeeezing!) pero we had wetsuits on.
it was a slow start but i caught a few decent waves and it was plain incredible!

after a siesta, headed to a beach a taxi ride south called Punto de Lobos, the unofficial surf beach of Chile. (photo at top of this entry). the black sand, the rocky shore, the cacti on the hills, the pelicans, the surfers, the sound of the waves. sublime. ahhh.

that evening we had a grand asado (cookout) with tons of meat and mucho mucho palta! oh and plenty of chilean beers (i.e.- escudo y crystal).
afterwards, headed for the beach para la discotecas. up til 5am dancing.

domingo was time to chill and recover. hammock, crossword (cruzgrama), y café and i was on my way. on the few-hour bus ride home took a nap and watched the movie Taken en español. such an intense movie. and the español made it even more intense!

busy week ahead. clases y excursions.
leaving for patagonia late fri.
having so. much. fun.

hope you're well!

1 comment:

  1. cool dude. sounds like lots of fun. glad you're getting to experience all that. we're trying to think of stuff to do in buenos aires since you seem to have chile covered. probably won't be hard finding stuff to do there - really looking forward to this trip! and hearing the songs that you written about your trip!
