Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Not much to report.
The second semester began 2 and a half weeks ago and I'm finding myself in a daily grind.
I usually finish classes around 3 or 4. On Wednesdays I typically take a nap. Some days I study Spanish. Some days I play my guitar and attempt to learn cueca chilena music (it's kinda like chile's bluegrass). If it's nice out, I'll walk 12 minutes to the Plaza de Armas to read and people watch. Sometimes there's a blind man playing his accordion while his wife stands next to him with a black hat collecting tips. Old people are slowly moving about to find the right bench. Many schools let out around 5 and the kids take over the benches. I try to beat the sun home to avoid the cold that comes at night. Some days I just sit in bed and watch subtitled movies. Some days I'll stay in, make a fire in the little kitchen chimney and read.

I don't eat dinner here. Like many families here in Chile, my family has oncé. More often than not, I'm already sitting at the table watching Los Simpsons. Just like how Chileans find the American voices weird, I am still not used to the Spanish voices. My family comes to the table from wherever they were and we eat bread and palta (avocado), and drink coffee,tea or mate. Sometimes we might eat leftovers from lunch or once in a while make pizza or eat completos (hot dogs with palta, ketchup, mustard, and mayo).

I hear dogs barking a lot. There are many quiltros (stray dogs) that live outside and these walls are thin. These windows and walls are so thin that the cold seeps in and I can see my breath. I wear long johns underneath my pajamas. It's freezing after getting out of the shower and I shiver myself into a change of clothes. But, I'm not complaining. I'm accustomed to it.

Often at night I feel little earthquakes. My room is on the second floor and I can feel every single one. Some are a strong 2 second jolt. Others have lasted up to 20 seconds. I'm usually too sleepy to get up so I just ride it out.

Talking about sleepy. I'm gonna sleep a siesta right about now.
Maybe something will happen soon. A trip somewhere. Some sort of wild night. I don't know.
But I'll make sure something will happen soon and then I'll fill you in.



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