Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tough Week

It's difficult to teach when students are getting up out of their seats, or blasting reggaeton music from their cell phones, or walking to the door and peering out, or having phone conversations, or drawing on their desks, or constantly asking to go to the bathroom.
It's been a frustrating week. But overall this second semester has gone swimmingly. I learned a lot from the first semester and have been more prepared in constructing a lesson and developing activities for the kids. I'm getting better at kicking out the meddlemongers.. those who disrupt the flow. It's not easy, though. I want all of the kids to learn and I try to give them entertaining activities to stimulate some sort of motivation. There are good days and bad days. Being prepared is what brings around the good days. I'm still adjusting to how I react to bad days. I yelled at the top of my lungs at one of my classes yesterday and kicked them all out of my class. I had some troublesome classes earlier on and all that frustrated anger exploded into amplified curse words. (in English of course).

Anyways, I'm doing my best to teach these kids something and I can tell who's progressing and who isn't. The majority of the students, maybe around 90%, are nowhere near interested in learning English. That's why I have to often play games in the class in order to keep them from falling asleep or doing all those crazy things aforementioned.

The students are always cool with me though. They always greet me and ask me how I am.

I don't regret for a second of coming down here to teach. I'm enjoying every moment of this trip and I can feel things changing. I'm different than I used to be, but still me.

But anyways..
apologies for the only every-now-and-then update. I haven't had internet at the house.

Hope all is well.
Be good.

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