Sunday, January 3, 2010

The New Chilean

i'm leaving for Chile soon.
on fri. jan 8

here's the spiel:
i'm participating in Chile's 'English Opens Doors' program as a volunteer English teacher.
it's operated by the Chilean Ministry of Education in partnership with a United Nations Development Program.
for the first month, i will be in Santiago w/ a host family, participating in a 4week intensive Chilean Spanish course. my placement is in southern Chile in the Araucania region near a city called Temuco. i will start teaching there in march. my stay ends in july, but i have the option of staying longer if i choose too, so i could be there until december!

i am excited! this is true.

i will be updating this blog as often as i please.
i will also be writing songs while i am away and posting them on my music page (

leave comments/stay in touch!

hasta pronto!


  1. I had fun reading.
    It looks like you're going to have a great time.
    Can't wait to hear what happens next.
    Keep us posted.
    Miss you.
