Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Una día en la vida

8 en la mañana.
time to hit the snooze button.
oh wait. no snooze button on this pre-paid cell phone.
need to reset the alarm for 15mins later.

straight to the water heater for to heat water.
this nescafé is starting to get on my taste bud nerves!
i miss my coffeemaker back home.

depart for class with jordan. we try to practice our spanish
with each other... then get frustrated and jump over the english fence.

930-1245. (w/ a short 15min break to eat empanadas from the corner store)
clase de español. estoy en la clase intermedio.
my teacher, daniella, is super nice! especially b/c she speaks clear and slow.
ahhh.. (much needed after the first week of advanced spanish where i
couldn't catch 2 words of what the teacher was throwing at my ears)

almuerzo (lunch) en el casino (not that casino)

finish up w/ clases de español.
yesterday we watched La Nana, a popular chilean movie about a house maid
i give 'er a thumbs up.

after class is up for grabs.
sometimes we just go out to a park
sometimes just go exploring
sometimes we go on excursions to places like:
Pablo Neruda's home, Cerro San Cristobal (best view of Stgo.),
Sewell (an old mining town), the General Cemetary,
Pomaire (tourist trappy-like small town, but has
lots of cool pottery and we got to make pottery with our own hands with the clay
and the spinning of the wheel with your foot and molding the clay while it spins
like in that movie Ghost. and it's a lot harder than you think.)
[this weekend we're going to a beach town called Pichelemu. Qué bueno!]

After afternoon explorations, i come home to emma who has cooked us
'once' (sort of like dinner) and it's pronounced
similar to the end of beyoncé. yes, very good.

en la noche.
i spend my evenings studying spanish or playing guitar or trying to write
a spanglish song or going out with friends to carrete! (party)
i've been watching some of the soap-operas w/ emma and the news to
try to get my ears used to the speed of their tongue. hope it eventually works.

so there's a typical day
i've been here for about 16 days.
and i've got a ways to go.

ps. i'm hiking in torres del paine in patagonia in like 2weeks! sweeeeet!

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